发布时间:2024-05-18 21:20:02 编辑:卢薇兴 来源:
1、fragrance n. The state or quality of having a pleasant odor. 香气有悦人的味道的状态或性质 A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent. 芳香甜甜的或悦人的味道;香味 fragrance aroma bouquet perfume redolence scentThe central meaning shared by these nouns is 揳 pleasant or sweet odor? the fragrance of lilacs; 紫丁香的芳香; the aroma of sizzling bacon; 嘶嘶作响的熏猪肉的香味; the bouquet of a fine Burgundy wine; 优质勃艮第葡萄酒的香味; the perfume of roses; 玫瑰的芳香; the redolence of freshly brewed coffee; 新煮的咖啡的浓郁香味; the scent of newly mown hay. 刚割下的干草之香气。
2、 aroma n. A quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense: 气味一种可被嗅觉感受到的特性: the aroma of garlic and onions. 大蒜和洋葱的气味 See: smell A pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice, or food: 芳香一种有令人舒适特性的气味,如植物,香料或食物: the aroma of roses. 玫瑰的芳香 See: fragrance A distinctive, intangible quality; an aura: 气氛一种特殊的,触摸不到的特性;氛围: the aroma of success. 胜利的气氛 在我的博客有你想要的。
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